My Favorite Green Smoothie - 4 Ingredients

I'm a big fan of green smoothies. It's the easiest way for me to get a lot of greens. It's not usual for me to have smoothie two or three times each day and at least one of those times I just throw in a handful of greens to add that extra nutritional punch.

I used to be a pretty (very) picky eater. I wouldn't think about touching fruits or veggies whatsoever. Funny how things change! Now if something's vegan, I'm going to try it. I love being adventurous with foods. It's fun, exciting, and (usually) delicious. I'm telling you this because I know how hesitant a lot of people are when it comes to trying new things or adding something like spinach into their drinks. Trust me when I say that it only does one things; changes the color. And green is a beautiful color! I'm craving the sight of green and impatiently waiting for the grass to turn green once again and the trees to blossom and become filled with beautiful green leaves. Ahh. But until that happens I'll just keep tossing greens into my smoothies and pretend that it's the same thing. You should do the same. It's great, trust me.

My Favorite Green Smoothie - 4 Ingredients

Serves 1

2 fresh bananas
1 frozen banana
1 mango
1 cup coconut water
Big handful of spinach

Blend together all ingredients. Serve, enjoy!!

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