Strawberry Orange Juice

Happy weekend! Who has some exciting plans for this weekend?! Let me know what you're up to. This weekend I have lots of awesome plans. Tomorrow I'm doing the March Against Monsanto. If you're doing the Pittsburgh march and want to meet up, let me know. I'll be there! If not, get to your nearest march and do it. It's so important and should be a lot of fun! This is my first time doing it and I have my signs all ready to go. Three cheers for sticking up for what you believe in. Oh and you'll be able to check out some of the awesome foods I'll be eating tomorrow too on my Instagram.

Anyways, on Sunday I have some Memorial Day picnics. There will be lots of this strawberry orange juice and volleyball involved. Woo. The weather is supposed to be perfect too. So excited for life! You should be too! Make this juice and take it to your picnics this weekend, or your March Against Monsanto, or you're camping trip, or anything that you're up to. It'll be refreshing, delicious, and make you super happy. Who doesn't want that?!

Fresh Summer Juice

Strawberry Orange Juice

serves 4

32 oz. fresh strawberries
2 medium oranges
1 cup coconut water
1 tablespoon hemp seeds
2 cups ice cubes (optional)

Blend everything together. Use the ice cubes for a refreshing slushy treat or go without them for a smooth juice. Both ways are great! Serve, enjoy!

Frozen Coconut & Fig Cream Cake - Gluten Free Vegan

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